Chicks Available NOW 

We have new chicks hatching daily, please contact us to see what is available right now.

Available NOW as of 03/18/23

Curly Breasted Sebastopol Goslings- We have white & gray saddleback Sebastopol goslings hatching NOW

All our gosling are DNA blood tested for the most accurate male and female results. Our babies are raised indoors and are very friendly. They will need a warm, safe environment when going to their new homes.

Our Sebastopol will start hatching on March 25, 2023
Contact for more info

updated on 03/18/23

Tolbunt Polish Chicks- Coming Soon

Polish Chickens are a fun one to have in the yard! Polish are known for the crazy top hat of feathers on their heads. They are fair layers of white eggs and are very friendly.

Average mature weight: roosters 6 lbs., hen 4 1/2 lbs.

We have:
3 Tolbunt chicks $17.00 each hatching daily

updated on 03/18/23
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Bantam Cochins

Bantam Cochin are by far one of our favorite breeds here. They are docile and friendly and stunning to look at with their heavily feathered feet and round tails they look like little round puffballs.
We have:

Calico $10.00 each hatching daily

updated on 03/18/23

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Bearded Silkie

These fluffy chickens are cute! They have the “awwwww” factor, so if you are looking for a pet chicken, get yourself a Silkie. These bantam chickens are gentle, quieter than most, docile and like people. They don’t fly well, and they don’t mind being confined. Their feathers are described as “soft,” “downy,” and “fur-like”. These birds do not have barbicels, which allows their feathers spread out rather than hold together which looks like fur.

black silkie chicks 10.00 each hatching daily

updated on 03/18/23

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Satins are becoming more popular they are not a breed yet they are a cross between Silkies and Frizzled Cochins. Satins come in 4 Feather types smoothed, smoothed Frizzle, Silkie & Silkie Fizzle. There feathered footed with a top hat blue skin and 5 toes with endless colors. They are super docile and friendly like a Silkie.
We have:

frizzles chicks $10.00 each
smooth feathered chicks $10.00 each
hatching daily

updated on 03/18/23

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Easter Eggers-

Easter Eggers are not a breed per se, but a variety of chicken that does not conform to any breed standard but lays large to extra large eggs that vary in shade from blue to green to olive to aqua and sometimes even pinkish. Easter Eggers vary widely in color and conformation and are exceptionally friendly and hardy. Since they are usually quite friendly to children and humans in general, they are a great choice for a family flock

SOLD OUT More coming in April $10.00 each

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