Meet the Horses


Rain is our sweetest mini we consider her to be the grandma of the herd as she is the oldest and the most motherly she loves to be groomed and loves apple even more


aw yes the escape artist she loves to run through the gate when we're bringing in hay just to prove that yes she can outrun us but she won’t go far and will comeback aster a lap or two she’s a sweet and mischievous Meme and Nova love to play together and run lap thought out the pasture


brinie is the sassiest of the herd and will pin her ear at you just to prove a point but shes a sweetheart she and Nove are best friends and the two don’t go anywhere without the other

Nova The Goat
why is there a goat amongst the horses well nova was the first goat we ever got since we hand’t planed to getting a goat at the time we didn’t have a pasture set up at the time we got him nor did we have other goats for him to be friends with so we put him with the horses so he woundn’t be lonely turn out he loved being with the horses and even preferred it over being with other goats him and Bribie and best friend and you’ll often see him standing under her