Meet the animals!


We have many animals here at Grape Vine Creek. here an introduction into our furry or feathery friends!

The Flock

We here at 2 Crazy Chicks have a wide variety of fowl ranging from silky chicken to Sebastopol geese.
Our flock started out with what we dubbed “ The Chicken army” a small group of crazy colored silkie and cochin that would follow us around our farm. Over the years that small group of chickens has turned into many types of chicken, waterfowl, and pheasants and we hope to bring some peafowl in soon.

The Goats

Our goats are a newer addition to our farm. It started out with a friend of ours giving us a bottle baby to care for but of course, we couldn’t just have one goat so we got another and then another, and soon we had a nice herd of goats that call our farm home

The Horses

our horses are the oldest group of animals we have here they have been with uses since the start of our farm in 2013. We have them to thank for starting this crazy farm. We do hope to bring some new addition into the herd to the future were thinking about some gypsy vanner or even some Frisians so look forward to that


The dogs

between our livestock guardian dog and our Australian shepherd, our dogs are the favorite animal amongst our farm they get the most attention by visitors